Berlin housing market

Residential property prices are stabilizing

The market for residential and commercial buildings in Berlin is picking up, with more offers and deals at recently lower prices. Investors are currently finding very attractive options.

According to the Greix Index, the second quarter shows an increase for all residential segments for the first time in around two years. Compared to the first quarter, prices for apartment buildings rose by 4.4%. Condominiums rose in price by 2.4%. Among the top 7 cities, prices for condominiums rose most significantly compared to the previous quarter in Hamburg (+4.3%) and Frankfurt (+3.7%). Düsseldorf (+2.2%) is just below the average, in Stuttgart (+0.6%) it is slightly up and in Cologne (-0.6) it is slightly down against the trend. Outside the metropolises, the price development is less uniform, but the trend is upwards here too.
Despite the ECB interest rate pause, a trend reversal is also emerging on the Berlin real estate market. Here the asking prices are between 0.2 and 4.6% above the previous year's values, this primarily affects the inner city districts, and the declines have also stopped outside the Ringbahn area. Transactions are increasing noticeably, especially for vacant condominiums. When it comes to multi-family homes, interested parties are slowly giving up their reluctance in view of significantly cheaper purchase prices, and rented apartments are in better demand again.

Source: TD